Introducing the New Frame
A proposed plan to fundamentally change how “deaf” is perceived and understood, to humanize and categorize the deaf genes and people as a protected group within human diversity.
In short, we are to elevate the status of deaf people as humans.
The Why
The main rationale behind this proposed vision is to significantly decrease the human suffering, particularly among deaf people. Due to a very narrow definition on what it means to be human, we have created an excessive and unnecessary amount of pain or deprivation of the basic liberties at the hands of manufactured ideology that has categorized people into two groups: humans vs. disabled. (Note: all ideologies are manufactured and fictional - Dr. Yuval Noah Harari)
On a global scale, and for centuries, we have consistently peddled a romanticized idea that “imperfection is beautiful” while maintaining a very real and consequential policy of professed perfection at the expense of the few: the people who do not “fit the mold."
Henceforth, because life has no inherent meaning, there are no objectively written rules dictating what constitutes a “full human being.” Essentially, there is no such thing as a perfect human body. Humans who function without sound or spoken word exist and have significantly contributed to life, and to the benefit of an entire world. And yet, the persistent and artificial notions about deafness have kept us in a box. If ideas alone are powerful enough to keep us in a box, then it is also powerful enough to free us. Our ideas about humanity, reality, and life are manufactured - we are free to design and redesign our ideas.
The purpose of this website is to share a new frame so that deaf people (and the rest of the “disabled” community) can thrive and flourish, far beyond the bounds of simply existing.
DEAF is just a word … with baggage.
Conscious framing is power. Move with intention from old frame to new.
can’t hear.
don’t hear.
limited opportunity.
opportunity is relative.
adaptive technology.
democratizing technology.
inherently powerful.
The derogatory words and imagery are endless. To sum up, all the ideas - implicit or explicit - within the “deaf frame” say that Deaf people are subhuman, a biological mistake, and unworthy of investment. A word and action can either destroy or inspire. It is with words and actions we can recreate a whole new reality.
accessibility or self-assertion
inclusion or initiative
accommodation or self-determination
It has been a centuries long ideological battle that needs to end, here and now.
Time to Change the Frame
When you change a frame, an ideology changes. Our lives depend on it.
One Shared World
This isn’t a “hearing world.” It isn’t a man’s world or white people’s world either. You are not a guest or a visitor of this world. You are an integral member of human diversity.
Greater Cognition
Sign Languages of the world are powerful cognitive stimulants and wires the brain in ways that enhances higher connectivity and spatiality. There is a reason why hearing babies are encouraged to learn sign language whereas deaf babies are discouraged - it’s about the money and perceived value. Always.
You are Powerful
The world doesn’t owe you anything and conversely, you do not owe anybody anything. Remove the victim mentality and discover your inner power.
This requires practice.
Opportunity is Relative
End the harmful narrative that speech and hearing equate opportunity. No one person has the same opportunity and the notion of opportunity is highly contextual, subjective, and relative.
Self-Representation means Authenticity
Take a stand for yourself today with a conscious reframing of the self and you will experience authenticity.
I Don’t Hear
When you say “I cannot hear”, you implicitly suggest that you have a problem, with a deficit in your worth. Instead, demonstrate a conscious choice, say “I don’t hear.” How you define yourself sets the frame. Own it.
Ultimate Human Language
Sign Language isn’t a “deaf language”. It is a human language, a gift for everyone and activates parts of the brain in ways that spoken language doesn’t. Everyone benefits because the characteristics of Sign Language stimulates greater human connection.
Interpreters are Professionals
Sign Language Interpreters are not our spokespeople, parents, babysitters, teachers, tutors, or guides. Interpreters are professionals of whom we all work with to achieve clarity and build relationships. No, Interpreters are not bridges. All three parties have inherent and relative power.
Burst your Bubble
Sumains, get out of the bubble. Remove the fear of hearing people and present your beautiful self to the world. Negotiate and assert your self-definition, self-worth.
Allies aren’t a Necessity
While nobody succeeds alone, you do not need hearing people in particular to succeed. In the same way that women do not need men to succeed or BIPOC do not need white people to succeed. People need people to succeed and it begins with self-respect. And, besides, true “allies” do not call themselves allies. They step up only because they uphold to higher ideals and principles.
Profit for Who?
Why is deafness a “socio-economic burden” when it brings millions of dollars for some people? No, the Sumains’ existence is a multi-million dollar commodity. We are valuable, profit from yourself.
You are Worthy
You are worthy. You are valuable. Believe it. Act like it. Walk (or wheel) into the building as if you own a space - your existence is your space.
All Sumains are Bilingual
There are 6,500 languages worldwide.
Teachers, stop telling your students that English is hard and that it is a “hearing language.” Deaf people have developed an extremely irrational fear of English language, so much that it has become a culture for us. End this culture of fear today. All languages belong to all of humanity.
Take Initiative and Invest
Sumains, get out of the trench. Stop defending your worth. Complaints and whining indicate that you believe you are powerless. Realize your power, take action, change course, and begin producing - invest in the self towards a new tomorrow. You will be surprised at how quickly you transform.
Critical Pedagogy is Imperative
In order for us to completely rewrite our reality, we all must create and embrace a culture of critical thought. Implement critical pedagogy in schools and every facet of life. It means, to become comfortable asking “hard” questions and to actively engage in emotional intelligence development. Consider this: When we truly listen, we create space for hard questions. Interruptions prevent new ideas from emerging and derails critical (and creative) thinking. So, don’t interrupt and practice listening. See how quickly we create a whole new culture in any given environment.
Deconstruct Disability.
The disability framework needs to be re-evaluated if we are to be effective and efficient in repositioning ourselves in the world.
If Wait means Never…
Deconstruct Inclusion. It means: Wait to be invited, to be included. Why wait? If you want to have a seat at the table, bring your own chair. Remember, nobody owes you anything and vice versa. Recognize your innate power and self worth.
Besides, when you put yourselves in the room and the design of an idea changes as a result, would it be called “inclusion”? Even if you asserted and owned the process?
Ability-based Identity is a Distraction
We assign value to certain ability: Is the ability to run valuable? Ability to cook? Ability to complete a box of 1,000 piece puzzle? Valuation of an ability is highly relative and cultural. It’s never been about your ability, but rather, your perceived value. The conversation on ability is a distraction from what’s real: Your inherent, invested, and perceived value. All relationships are transactional and all transactions are about negotiating your value, not abilities. Everyone has value and it is up to you to find, develop and bring it.
Humanity is Powerfully Imperfect
The idea of “disability” suggests that a perfect body exists. None exist in our beautifully complex and diverse humanity. Work with “disability” groups to deconstruct / reframe the entire community. And then, we all win.
“Dis-” is a Locking Prefix
Dis- is a prefix. Words can be redefined and reframed but when a word is “locked down” by a definitive prefix such as “Dis”, the meaning associated with it becomes inflexible. Dis- means loss of, lacking. Dis- is found in over 1,000 words, and all share similar meaning. Thus, “disability” is restricted in meaning and cannot be effectively reframed, redefined. Therefore, for the disability community to transform and advance, we must create a new word and framework.
Hey. Come here. Let me tell you something…
Remember this… never, ever underestimate your impact. You make an impact everyday, whether you know it or not.
Reality. It Bends to our Will.
I interviewed some people to confirm our current reality. With an increased understanding of the issues at its core, solutions present itself.
Deaf schools are likely to close in 5-10 years because of the federal requirements that have been in place for the past few decades.
The relationship between interpreters and deaf people have been awkward and/or tense for years. Sarah, John, and RC discuss on the why.
Individualized Educational Plan is being used by school districts to suppress students and their parents’ rights in name of profit.
Dr. Raymond Merritt confirms that geneticists are getting closer to eradicating some of the deaf genes.